About Me

Birth Year
Mid 1980s
Contact Info

About This Site

Text Editor Used
Visual Studio Code
Site Generator
Before that, Metalsmith.
I was originally trying to write this all by hand but ended up automating a few tedious things.
Background Image
Sourced from gifer.com, then put through some filters and stuff.
Is This Website
Tracking Me?
Short answer: No, I collect some basic analytics, but it's not tracking you personally.

Long answer: This site is using Plausible, which:

  • does not use cookies
  • does not track users across different sites or devices
  • is extremely lightweight and won't bog down your device with unnecessary memory or CPU use
  • only shows me site metrics in aggregate. I can't drill down to track the patterns of individual users.

As a website owner, I'm interested in burnishing my fragile ego by seeing how many people visit my site, plus getting some practical insights about which pages are most popular, etc, but I'm opposed to data collection that compromises your anonymity.

I believe Plausible provides a fair compromise between "webmasters wanting to measure site traffic" vs "users wanting privacy online". You can read more information about their philosophy here and here.